Hello, Welcome To
Barmajeem Website

For IT & Creativity lovers


Barmajeem is a team passionate about creativity, interested in the fields of programming and digital media design , Given the complementary relationship between these fields . it aims to help beginners in these fields and all people through creative services that serve Islam


Barmajeem is a technical and creative community that aims to bring together programming and digital media design lover in one place to exchange experiences and work on joint projects. Barmajeem aims to enable members to develop their skills, share their ideas, and build a strong network of creative people. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you will find the best environment to develop your skills and work with a team


Game Dev

using godot unity unreal

Web Dev

front-end back-end

App Dev

desktop and mobile app


Make useful tools


2D arts and 3D modeling

Video Editing

content creation

Projects and Works


Seven keys escape Play game
Nothing Journey Play game
Itch.io Page More games...


solar system with a pretty effect

The solar system View page

A full useful project

Product Managment System View page

Thanks for visiting !